Our Story About the Blessing of Adoption

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our Adoption Profile

This is the Adoption Profile Book that we created to be shown to potential birthmothers. Birthmothers are typically given a small number of profiles to look through to try to choose a family for the baby they are putting up for adoption. If they do not like any of the profiles they are initially given, they will be given another set, until they find a couple/family the would like to place their baby with. After you are chosen by a birthmother, you're given the birthmothers details, including medical information, and you have the opportunity to accept or reject the referral. To our surprise, we were chosen the first time our profile was shown, and before we even had a hard copy of our profile. We had to send the digital copy for them to show while we were waiting on our order. So, by the time we got our books, we already had our referral!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Adoption Update

We are so excited as the day draws near for us to bring our little one home.  We appreciate so much all of the help that many of you have given us, both financially and through prayer.

In the last few weeks, we have moved closer to our fund raising goals, and we are so thankful for those that have given.  The love that we have been shown has been quite overwhelming.  We still need to raise a great deal more funds before this is over, and we are excited to see how God will meet our needs, so please be praying for that.  We have also learned the hospital that our precious new baby will be born.  The sex of the child is still not known, but we know that God knows and is protecting our child even though it seems we have so very little information.

Blog updates:

In the coming days, we plan to make some more significant blog posts.  We intend to create a timeline so that folks will have the chance to better know our story and what has transpired up to this point.  We hope this will help you pray for us and feel more apart of what we are doing.  We are also going to make a post about why we chose Domestic adoption.  This was a very tough choice for us, and we know it came with some unique risks.  We want folks to know why we made the choice we made and this will be up shortly.

We thank you all for your support, and we ask that you continue to pray for us through this awesome time!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Our Adoption Journey

This journey has been a long time coming. We have wanted to adopt for nearly 10 years now.  We have always had a heart for children that may not have a family.  How that would look in our life was not clear until recently.  We began to discuss this more seriously after our youngest child was born.  Our precious church family has adopted numerous children and this helped grow this desire even more.  We decided that we would adopt as soon as I graduated from Seminary and had acquired a full-time ministry position.  After months of seeking a position, it became clear that this was going to be a long process, and we began to consider the possibility that God may want us to go ahead with the adoption process.  After just a few days of prayer and talking with friends, we were certain that the Lord wanted us to begin the process.  We immediately put the search for a ministry position on hold and got our home and family ready to welcome a new child.  Since the decision, the Lord has taught us incredible truths about our own adoption into His family.  We invite you to join us on this journey. Whether through prayer, financial contribution, or both, you can be a part of bringing our little one home very soon! Thank you for your love and support!