Our Story About the Blessing of Adoption

Friday, August 19, 2011

NEW Lifesong DONATE Button!

If you've visited our site before, you may notice that we have removed our yellow Paypal Donate Button. We replaced it with a link that says DONATE through Lifesong. Although it may not be as "eye-catching," it is a wonderful thing for our family. Through God's provision, we have been approved for a matching grant, through Lifesong! That means every time one of you generously donate towards our adoption, whatever amount you donate will actually be matched 100%, helping us meet our goal even faster! We want to thank those of you who have already given, because we would not be this far in our adoption process without the support of our friends and family. If you are still considering making a donation, click on the DONATE through Lifesong button, then click DONATE on the Lifesong page. Once you're on the Lifesong Paypal screen, please indicate that your donation is for the LaFleur family adoption. Thank you so much!

Another Reason to support Adoption

I found this link on one of Al Mohler's blogs.  It is a collection of abortion statistics from May of this year.


Some of the information is incredible.  This was Mohler's take:


"Americans generally know that abortions happen, but the reality of abortion is kept out of sight and, for most, largely out of mind. To acknowledge that abortions do occur does not require any actual knowledge of the numbers of abortions performed and the scale of the catastrophe. News reports that emerged in recent days will make that evasion harder to justify."

Both links above are worth your time.  It is incredible when you consider just how many abortions occur and why many mothers choose this route, "three-fourths say they cannot afford a child."  This is just one of the many reasons why Christians should be pro-Adoption.  Welcoming a child into your home gives that mother a better option.    

Thanks again for your support!!

Please consider linking our blog to your facebook or twitter accounts

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Coming Down to the Wire

Dear Friends and Family,

Our baby is due very shortly.  Given the dates we have, our baby could come at anytime.  Because of that, many of the funds that are required to finish our adoption are starting to come due.  At the present time, we do not have all of the money that we need to complete the process, so we are asking for many of you to prayerfully consider making a donation.  The process is very expensive, and we have been incredibly blessed by so many of your prayers and gifts up to this point.  None of this would have been possible without your love and support. 

We know that God is faithful to provide, and we are excited to see how He will take care of these next few weeks. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so by credit card through this blog by clicking on the donate tab on the left of the page, or you can mail a check to : 7506 Astrid Way, Louisville, KY 40228

Please also consider linking our blog to your Facebook or Twitter.  We could use the eyeballs. 

We appreciate your consideration and especially your prayers!
Thank you,
Mark and Jennifer Lafleur

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thanks to all who have helped

It has been a while since our last update.  It turns out when you get placed with a birthmom so early in the process, you have a frantic amount of activity and then just ....... well ..... waiting and more waiting.  Waiting around does not a great blog post make.  :)   Things are moving along well.  We have finished up all the paperwork that we can do before the baby is born and are just prayerfully awaiting that day.  I am also working on a new post for this next week about our Adult Bible Followship's study through 1 John.  The Lord has taught me a great deal about adoption through our study, and I wanted to share it with you.  It will likely be four different posts because of its length, but hopefully you like it.

We would really like to also take a second to thank everyone that has been involved in our process so far. We are overwhelmed with the interest in our situation.  So many people have asked us for updates and have told us that they are praying for us.  It has not gotten old telling our story thus far, and we are so encouraged that so many others genuinely care about our family.  We also would like to thank everyone that have donated to the adoption.  This process can get very expensive and if it were not for the financial assistance of others, we would have no way of making this work.  Many folks have given their time and many others have given their advise.  This is a very scary process, and without the support of some of you, we would have not been able to make this work.

We believe that God is placing the child in our home that He has intended to from the beginning.  It has been overwhelming to see how he has used so many different people to ensure that this is coming to pass.  Thank you all for your part in making God's plan real in our lives.

In Him,


Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Letter to an Unborn Baby

I ran across an older blog by Russell Moore that I found to be quite amazing, so I wanted to share it.  He wrote a letter to a baby that was not born yet and was going to be adopted.  This is a paragraph from that letter:

"You are no accident........
This God of Jesus Christ decided your story. He purposed that you would be born to your birthmother, and that she would have the courage and the love to give you life. He willed that you would be adopted into this family of a mom and dad who love you. He made sure that there was the kind of emptiness in their life that they would yearn to seek after you, right at the time he would bring you to them. And he put you in a family that believes the good news of the old story I’ve told to you above."

please consider reading the entire post on his website, http://www.russellmoore.com/2011/07/18/an-open-letter-to-an-unborn-baby/

We appreciate his ministry.

Mark and Jennifer Lafleur