Our Story About the Blessing of Adoption

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thanks to all who have helped

It has been a while since our last update.  It turns out when you get placed with a birthmom so early in the process, you have a frantic amount of activity and then just ....... well ..... waiting and more waiting.  Waiting around does not a great blog post make.  :)   Things are moving along well.  We have finished up all the paperwork that we can do before the baby is born and are just prayerfully awaiting that day.  I am also working on a new post for this next week about our Adult Bible Followship's study through 1 John.  The Lord has taught me a great deal about adoption through our study, and I wanted to share it with you.  It will likely be four different posts because of its length, but hopefully you like it.

We would really like to also take a second to thank everyone that has been involved in our process so far. We are overwhelmed with the interest in our situation.  So many people have asked us for updates and have told us that they are praying for us.  It has not gotten old telling our story thus far, and we are so encouraged that so many others genuinely care about our family.  We also would like to thank everyone that have donated to the adoption.  This process can get very expensive and if it were not for the financial assistance of others, we would have no way of making this work.  Many folks have given their time and many others have given their advise.  This is a very scary process, and without the support of some of you, we would have not been able to make this work.

We believe that God is placing the child in our home that He has intended to from the beginning.  It has been overwhelming to see how he has used so many different people to ensure that this is coming to pass.  Thank you all for your part in making God's plan real in our lives.

In Him,


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